What would you do if you returned to Jamaica?


Happy Independence Day!

Friday - August 6, 1962

August 6, 1962 marked the birth of Jamaica as an independent nation, free from British rule. Yep, another holiday in the same week! Hey, I’m not complaining. The holiday was marked with a big celebration in Water Square. First the politicians spent most of the morning giving speeches about change and hope… For some reason it doesn’t matter where you are in the world, all politicians start to sound the same. Next came the marching band and police marching in uniform. As the day progressed Water Square began to fill with smoke, as all the jerk stands competed for hungry customers. With the sun setting the volume went up on the festivities as Sounds Systems (10 foot tall speakers) began to crank out dance hall music and the street party really started. You could feel the base from the music a few blocks away at the Manse! Who needs fireworks when you have a sound system like that?

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