What would you do if you returned to Jamaica?


The Show Must Go On!

Wednesday – July 28, 2010

Yesterday was a hard day, seeing Maggie go reminded me of all things that I’ve sacrificed this summer to be here and all the things she has sacrificed too. She has given me so much patience and love this summer, I’m lucky to have Maggie in my life!

Wednesday also marked the start of my big trip to the legendary city of Kingston! A trip to Jamaica just would not be complete without a visit to the capitol, and the largest city in the country. Kingston is one of those cities that fills the imagination with so many images, sadly in recent times most of them are of violence and political-gang warfare. Never the less it is one of those places you need to experience for yourself to really understand it. This sprawling urban form represents so many of the struggles facing Jamaica, one could spend years studying it and I only have three days. Anyway, we’ll do our best to capture the spirit of Kingston, but first we have to get there which is never an easy task in Jamaica, as all too often road signage is optional.

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