What would you do if you returned to Jamaica?


Yo Ho Yo Ho, a pirate life for me?

Saturday – July 31, 2010

After two action-packed days in Kingston it was time to head home, but not before a quick trip out to Port Royal. Back in the 1600’s Port Royal was the pirate capitol of the world and dubbed the wickedest city on earth. In fact the famed privateer Henry “Captain” Morgan was appointed governor there! That was before a devastating earthquake washed half of it into the sea. Port Royal has also been nominated as a possible World Heritage Site so is a must for any history buff. Sadly, I couldn’t find a single pirate – damn you Disney World!

It was time to head home, a trip up the A-1 to Ocho Rios and then to Falmouth. This road cuts through the jungle and over mountains, taking us through another one of Jamaica’s natural wonders, Fern Gully. Pretty incredible drive but in recent years the number of cars passing through this vital connector road from north to south Jamaica has taken its toll on the indigenous ferns. Still, an impressive sight, but one can’t help but hope that such a great natural resource could be better protected in the future!

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