What would you do if you returned to Jamaica?


Spanish Town to the King of Reggae

Friday – July 30, 2010

Having made a visit to the National Library, the National Archives were next on our list. This required a trip to Spanish Town – the old Spanish Capitol of Jamaica before Kingston took over. Now, all the negative things you hear about Kingston go double for Spanish Town…. It is a tough place, but fortunately, Ivor – the archaeologist who worked on the Foundry site in Falmouth & our tour guide for the Windsor Caves, offered to go with us so we jumped on the chance. The City Center of Spanish Town is beautiful but sadly two of the four structures that make up the town square are in ruins with only their façades still in tack. One can only imagine the former glory.

After our visit to Spanish Town, we headed back to Kingston for some more sight seeing. First, we had lunch at the Devon House, home to Jamaica’s first Black Millionaire, and than I went to the Bob Marley House Museum. What trip to Jamaica would be complete without a visit to pay homage to the king of Reggae? We rounded off a crazy day with catching up with Zanita Scott, one of our fellow interns who had to leave Falmouth early. She took us to the famous Cubby’s Sports Bar. It was just like being at home but with a Cricket twist. Thanks Zanita!

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