What would you do if you returned to Jamaica?


Finishing with a bang!

Thursday - August 12, 2010

With everything wrapped up and things at Falmouth Heritage Renewal coming to a close, it was time for one last meeting. This time with the local Custus of Trelawney. What’s a Custus you might ask? That’s a good question and I’m not quite sure myself. It’s one of those holder overs from Jamaica’s colonial days, when the Custus was an appointee of the crown and served as a middleman to the colonial government and Britain. Not quite the same role this days, but the local custus is very active, connected, and involved with the community here in Falmouth. He is probably the only local official I’ve actually seen on the streets, talking to people, and engaged in what is going on with the community. It was a great meeting and I felt he was very receptive to many of my ideas and insights. Always good to end on a high note and feel like my study might help people look at their community in a new and fresh light.

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