What would you do if you returned to Jamaica?


A trip to the doctor's

Friday – August 13, 2010

With our work for Falmouth Heritage Renewal coming to a close, and everything stored on hard drives & put away, it was time to enjoy our last few days in Jamaica! What better way to celebrate the close of a great internship than with a trip to the beach and not just any beach. It was time to head to Montego Bay, and the famous Doctor’s Cave Beach. Doctor’s Cave Beach was originally founded by the Montego Bay Bathing Club back in 1906, and is named after a cave that a bunch of doctor’s use to hang out at. In, fact the beach is so well know that it actually appears on the Jamaican $50.00. I’m not too sure of any other country that actually has a picture of a beach on their currency. Beautiful white sand and clear blue waters awaited as we spent our last Friday in Jamaica soaking up some Caribbean sun while floating in Montego Bay. If you’re ever in Montego Bay and looking for a place to relax, away from the hustle and bustle of the city than Doctor’s Cave Beach is for you. Not too shabby!

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