What would you do if you returned to Jamaica?


Once upon a time & place

Sunday – August 15, 2010

Well, the Caribbean sun has finally risen & fallen on my last day in Jamaica. After ten weeks of working for Falmouth Heritage Renewal and exploring this amazing country it is time to head home. I spent the day at a local beach called Time & Place reflecting on this summer’s experience. Words can’t really capture how I’m feeling and I don’t want this to sound like one of those annoying Oscar acceptance speeches, but. Jamaica is an amazing country of both contradictions and beauty and will have a lasting impact on me both professionally and personally. I’m blessed to have had this experience and to have worked with some great people. Like wise I’m blessed to have had the support and love of everyone back home who encouraged me to spread my wings and challenge myself. There are too many people to thank as nothing we are ever given in this world happens without the help, love and support of the people we surround ourselves with. So thanks, you all know who you are and hopefully how important you are to me! I’ll walk away with a bigger and better view of the world and a stronger realization of my place in it. As I move forward in my career I can only hope to have a fraction of an impact on the world as it has had on me!

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