What would you do if you returned to Jamaica?


The best laid plans,

Saturday – August 14, 2010

Well, the votes were in and the Blue Mountains won! Janice had arranged accommodations at the Rasta/coffee farm in the Blue Mountains, KeVaughn was coming, and we were all set for one last grand Jamaican adventure… Then tragedy struck, the car we had arranged fell through! Next option was an old taxi (with no spare tire) that someone would let us use for the weekend for the right price. The owner popped the hood on the engine and started feeding the car oil and other fluids. As he started to tighten loose wires... the red flags went up. Driving five hours over mountains, through Kingston to the other side of the country, two days before we’re supposed to leave Jamaica, in a car that looked like it would have a hard time getting to Ochi was probably not the smartest choice. So sadly, we decided to pull the plug on the Blue Mountain Adventure. If Jamaica has taught me anything its expect the unexpected, its hard has hell to actually get anywhere, and don’t get your hopes up! So it looks like our last weekend will be spent in Falmouth, relaxing at Club Manse, drinking a few Red Stride, and dining on some Juicy Patties…. Oh well, there is always next time!

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