What would you do if you returned to Jamaica?


Back on my head

Monday – July 5, 2010

Back to work and yes, Janice did return. My walking stick also appeared and I have to admit Dandy did a great job. It was well worth the price. Now I know that I’m in a planning internship as I got dragged into yet another transportation meeting that seemed to suck up most of my day. But on a positive note, not all planning is about counting cars, if this pedistrianization concept works, it has the opportunity of creating a much-needed public space in Falmouth. The Falmouth Heritage Renewal has been working hard on revitalizing public spaces in the community. Victoria Park is a great example of one of their other green/public space projects and centers around the restoration of the historic Victoria Park. This is no easy task as trees do not grow over night but in a few years it should start to take shape look more like the historic landscape it is designed after. Too bad I won’t be here to see it.

1 comment:

  1. Great posts Justin! I can't wait to see the walking stick :)
