What would you do if you returned to Jamaica?


Happy Emancipation Day!

Monday - August 2, 2010

Sunday marked a special day in Jamaican history – August 1st is Emancipation Day, the day that slavery was abolished throughout the British Empire. As one would expect this is a national holiday that celebrates freedom in Jamaica and Monday is the official day off!

So what to do on a day off, especially with Peter’s son, Rommel and a few of his friends hanging around looking for something to do? Good thing I brought that soccer ball with me. Not sure what it is about kids and a ball, but magic - an afternoon of entertainment without even trying. They spent the whole day kicking that ball up and down the street. Made me realize another one of Falmouth’s big needs, a place for kids to play. Sadly there aren’t too many parks or green spaces where a kid can kick a ball, and just be a kid. Another thing to be more thankful for back home. Still, it was great to see everyone having fun, and that soccer ball definitely is one of the best things I brought to Jamaica, next to the mosquito net, of course. Unfortunately, I don’t think it will be making it home with me though as I think it has found a new owner.

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